Small Groups

Sundays at 9:30

Small groups are a great way to connect with other Christians in the same life stage as yourself. Small groups are more than just Sunday School classes.  From"Baptist Buffet" dinners to game nights, these groups are like smaller families within the church. We pray for each other, encourage each other, and hold each other accountable. Check out the list of our small groups below and find one that best suits you.

Small Groups

Men's Class

Ron Wunderlich
Men of all ages who share in Bible study and personal growth.
Main Building, Room 106

Ditch Road Disciples

Ethan & Stacy Doyle with
Zach and Haley McClure
A 20s-40s co-ed class that focuses on group discussion and building relationships with other Christians.
C Building

Marys and Marthas

Angela Thurston
A great opportunity for ladies of all ages to grow together as they study the scriptures.
Main Building, Room 107

Still Kickin' 

Jim Gray & Allen Christian
This class gives the chance for men and women 50+ to connect and build friendships with others.
C Building

Coed Class

Pastor Scott Cheshire
Coed class for all ages.

Children's Classes

All of our children's classes from ages 3-6th grade meet upstairs in the main building.

Youth Class

Justin and Tammie Bratton
A great opportunity for teens to build friendships with other Christians, and learn how to live with a Biblical mindset.
B Building